Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Best 2009

Tonight as I think about the last year and wondering how the heck it flew by so quickly. It came to me that with all the valleys Mike and I experienced this last year we truly are very lucky. I sometimes get so involved in my own little space in this world that I forget to say thank you. So this year of 2009 my "resolution" is to remember to say thanks and to show more acts of kindness, especially to strangers. If we all passed on a kindness each day just think how nice the world would become. So thank you, to all of you who have blessed my life with your kindness, your laughter, your support, and your love. May this year be the best for all of us.

Many Blessings

Nicole, Mike and the Beadwright Team.

Bead with Honor and Integrity


Unknown said...

wishing you, Mike and all your family a wondeful, healthy, prosperous, happy new year!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I can't think of better New Year's resolution Nicole. Like is such a beautiful place with gratitude. I'm so delighted to have met you and wish you a very happy New Year! Here's to a beautiful year ahead filled with endless possibilities!