Sunday, January 4, 2015


Hi Everyone!

Last year a very nice lady, Priscilla, wrote to me about NBB and how she wanted some for her mom. No problem but when I found out "mom" was 95 years young I had to know what she was creating.  So Priscilla wrote a short bio and sent the most amazing photos. I am honored to introduce to you 
Lillian Arena and in Priscilla's words

You sent me an email about craft pictures that my 95 year old mother has been working on using your fine quality Nicole's BeadBacking.  Here are some of the pictures from the project.  My mother Lillian Arena was sitting in a bead store and Robin Atkin's book caught her interest and her wanting to start this craft project.  She purchased the book and started on the project.  She has been crafting all of her life being a doll collector and also making cloth dolls and their clothes.  Besides dolls her interests have been China painting, working with clay, sewing and participating in several
San Francisco area doll and teddy bear clubs.  She is a voracious reader too.  She is probably happiest when she is working on crafts.  She started her journey with crafting after she retired in her 60's.  She finds great pleasure in learning new crafts all the time.  When she learned how to
make Kumihimo braids several years ago she and I held a craft day for a small group of crafters near our home.  We had a blast.  I now have a large box of completed Kumihimo's waiting for me to bead embroider some cabochons to hang on them.  Shibori ribbon caught her eye and as
you will see she has incorporated the shibori ribbon in her small doll projects.  I fully think she will continue to craft and enjoy all things handmade for many years to come.  I am attaching several pictures of her latest project.  Thank you for your interest in my mother. 
 She truly is an amazing person.

 I agree Lillian is amazing
 Her easy elegance is in her natural beauty
 Using NBB for her dolls makes me proud
 Again elegance
 I really do love each and every one of these dolls.

 Thank you Priscilla and Lillian for sharing with us.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Anonymous said...

what beautiful creations, a lovely lady and a wonderful example to show how crafting keeps giving us pleasure in every season of our lives!

Kokopelli said...

What lovely work, Lillian! And thanks for sharing with us, Nicole and Priscilla!

Kristie said...

Way to go, Lillian! So inspiring to see that she is still continuing to pursue her craft. This is a talent she has passed down through her generations; even her great-grandchildren love to create art. Thank you, Nicole, for giving Lillian's work exposure.


Thank you Nicole for this nice blog about my mother Lillian Arena. I really enjoyed reading about you and your family circle. Love the picture of your granddaughter and her baby, really beautiful. You are a very lovely and youthful grandma. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to future posts.

Anonymous said...

She really is an amazing woman and artist. Of course, as her granddaughter, I'm probably a little biased. ;-)
Thank you for the article and taking the time to appreciate her. She really is a wonderful woman. Love you, Grandma!!! Xoxo


Kara said...

She really is a wonderful woman and artist! Of course, as her granddaughter, I'm a little bias. ;-)
Thank you for appreciating what an amazing woman she really is with your article! We all appreciate it very much! Love you, Grandma! Xoxo

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Nice post!! Her dolls are lovely and I am so glad that she is still able to stitch!. Please let her know how much we all love her work!

Hope you are doing well, Nicole.
xx, Carol

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this story on Lillian, written by her dear daughter, Priscilla. I've had the great pleasure of teaching Lillian and Priscilla myself and am inspired and grateful for the exquisite nature of both of these two inspiring and creative women.

Unknown said...

Lillian's dolls are so exquisite; so beautiful and detailed! I am so impressed! Lillian and her daughter, Priscilla do wonderful crafts. What's even more impressive is that Lillian at age 95, is doing this intricate work. You're amazing, Lillian!

Magic Love Crow said...

What a truly special post! Thank you for making my heart smile ;o) I love her dolls too ;o) Big Hugs ;o)