Sunday, July 20, 2014


Hi Everyone!
I am so excited!!! Most of you know I am going through bead boxes and getting ready for a yard sale. One of the (million) boxes I have I found an old color of Nicole's BeadBacking I use to carry. Yep Turquoise!!! OMG!!!! I can't make it any longer so this is a real treat. I only have it in 9x6" sheets but that is better than no sheets Right??
Very limited supply so if you have been wanting Turquoise Nicole's BeadBacking now is the time to get it. And remember use your credit card in my Beadwright etsy store with direct check out and I will send you 5% cash back and  your name will be entered in our big bead giveaway. BTW I have added some items to the pile. hee hee hee.
Turquoise NBB in our Beadwright etsy store and our website

Honor and Integrity in life in art
Honor and integrity in art, in life.

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